Tuesday, September 16, 2014

DAY 9: Mid-month writing resolve...


  1. 1200 words. Funny quote coming tomorrow, so make sure you check back. How is everyone doing out there?.

  2. Getting ready to head south with Kayo for several days, so I will be traveling light and writing on the go -- a phone and my journal. On about page 75 with revisions. A few new poems are in the offing.

  3. Hours: a few. Words: ~700 of a critical response, the writing of which greatly helped me in figuring out my understanding of the previously mentioned incomprehensible book; ~100 of fiction written as a break from the critical; uncertain number of poem words revised, deleted, re-written. Productive!

  4. Today was a day devoted to the business side of writing. Does that count? Mostly, responding to editors, agents, and pitching.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Long day at the library today, so not a lot of writing energy tonight. But because I want to kick ass with this challenge, I forced myself to write for a few minutes. I came up with two paragraphs to open a story. They're a little sloppy, but they've got potential.

  7. 1 hour. 1000 words. ** Completed the story I have been hacking away at and wrote notes on two more. Enjoying my visiting parents but getting some writing done due to this challenge.

  8. Nearly 600 new words and no revisions. Three lines in a journal. Watching Arrested Development on Netflix.
