Saturday, September 27, 2014

Day 20


  1. Today was a good day -- got a bit further than I had anticipated. Went a bit deeper than I thought I would.


  2. Spent a bunch of time trying to work on a poem, and then a critical response and was getting nowhere and having a hard time focusing. So instead I wrote some more (bad) fiction, 600 words or so. I guess it's something.

  3. Four and a half handwritten pages on a novel and six words in a journal. No revisions. Spent most of the rest of the day reading Dune and wallowing in despair.

  4. Didn't write at all yesterday. Today, a couple of paragraphs. We shall see what tomorrow brings.

  5. Wrote four poems for a friend celebrating his 50th birthday.

  6. I know! Not everyone has friends who turn 50. Wait. Did you mean I am showing off about writing poems? Did I fail to mention how poorly they were written or how fiction-writer-ish they sound? I should have noted that. Also, one was a limerick that didn't rhyme well. They did get me in the mood to write poems. That's something. (Don't tell Dan.)

    1. I meant something along the lines of "Here I am, a poet, struggling with this one poem for days, and then you go and whip out four of them in one day!" Show-off. Dan would surely be appalled.

  7. Well, I don't think I was hoarding on this day. Just tiptoeing. Added maybe 20 words, more time spent on reading and revision, with same planned for tomorrow.
