Thursday, September 25, 2014

DAY 18!


  1. Took a few new ideas, kicked the tires, gassed up and took them out for a spin. Not a bad day even if I wish I had accomplished more. There's always tomorrow.

  2. An hour or so of writing this morning--added a couple of sections to an essay I've been working on. Then a couple hours of reading.

  3. A couple hours and about 1000 words of a critical response. Also some reading and journaling.

  4. 1 hour. 1000 words. * Nothing good on the paper today, but I wrote. One idea may become something I guess. Spent some time organizing books and my work space.

  5. ~500 new words written while awaiting the end of an ophthalmologist appointment for a self described dryad. Another page of a journal written somewhere. Finished McCarthy's Child of God. Again. Now watching an infropic about the Tienanmen protests. What. Ever.
