Monday, September 15, 2014

DAY 8: New week, new resolve.


  1. Mondays are: three classes, mentoring someone, meetings, then childchildchild. All topped off with terrible news from a major poet we were bringing to campus. So... tomorrow should be better, I hope. -Olga

  2. Andromeda, I adore that quote!

  3. Met fellow Bread Loaf pals and attended a reading sponsored by Poet Lore. Had a blind date with a memoirist. She and I exchanged contacts and was able to make some pitches/queries.

  4. Kept whittling away on pages already written. Every so often an entirely new phrase or idea occurred -- lots of notes in the margins.


  5. This is crazy week in the seasonal economy world, and i've lost track of days of not writing, but i've done things I'll count as writing anyway: summer's end painting party, trip to a permafrost research site to learn something from scientists for a climate change writing project i'm doing for the NPS....and, well, took some naps and went to some parties. I'll extend my challenge for a few days.

  6. 314 words today. Just enough to stay attached to the character I wrote about yesterday. Also had lunch with a fellow writer, talked to someone about teaching a writing class and hatched a potential writers retreat plan. Hoping for a little more writing energy/time tomorrow.

  7. Research on 3 Japanese topics. I'm reticent to count as my writing day, but I absolutely needed to do it today. Tomorrow: real words.

  8. 2 hours. 2000 words. I am still writing a silly story about riding a dragon. Almost done, I hope. Also sketched out a novel idea and wrote about some family time. Built a bookcase with my dad.

  9. Some time, an hour, maybe, total (?), spent looking through old poems, doing small revisions, and figuring out what to read for this thing I volunteered to read at. Also, a bit of journaling.

  10. ~700 new words and ~100 revised to go with a few lines in a journal but vision to go somewhere. Gave up on a book about getting sober and one about girls with Asperger's but relished the first story of David Stevenson's and Justin Hermann's books.
