Friday, September 12, 2014



  1. I like the idea of following a character. Some of my most intriguing people first appear in journal form -- glanced from the corner of my eye. Today I'm working mostly on revisions. I like keeping track of hours written, but sometimes fifteen minutes delivers the best pages.

  2. Hours: 3-ish. New Words: ~250. Revised words: minimal. Journal: little more than a page. Good news: The LGBTQ folks sent me an email wherein they said that my writing was spot on BUT they were not going to publish my story unless a major rewrite was implemented to avoid any potential conflict with the transwomen community. I declined to rewrite because I feel it would fundamentally change the nature of the character/story I was attempting to tell. So, you know, creative differences or something.

    Encouraging rejections. Yay!

  3. That's an excellent rejection, Ben. Congrats!

    Today:1.5 hours/1400 words. Pleased enough with this week's combination of a few steady sessions and other squeezed-in late night "why not" sessions.

    1. Thanks! I've been super excited all day. All due to being told "no"! Good thing all writer's souls are inherently masochistic.

  4. Today: no writing -- crazy visit from in-laws, crazy workday. But a first -- my poems made somebody's eyes water and generally had very emotional feedback. That was unsettling and encouraging at the same time. Rather disturbing, actually. Thought all sorts of thoughts about that. The trace that my writing can apparently leave. Tried to interpret it but couldn't. Caught myself trying to control shadows of my work in people's lives. Caught myself wondering all kinds of vain things, like is this reader going to have a crush on me? This is a coworker. Thought this kind of thinking was normal but not good. Decided that writing will be like a ride I go on, and whoever else would like to go on it, or at least gets what the ride is -- that's who will go on it, and whoever doesn't... Finished reading Reservation Blues, the ending was beautiful if a little forced. And that, folks, is as far as I got with the writing life today. Skype session with mentor tomorrow! -Olga

    1. A full day of writing, without writing. I totally understand.

    2. Thank you so much! -Olga

  5. I am having a hard time sticking to any one project. With that said, I'm doing a lot of exploration right now. I have to trust that it will all end up being productive time in one way or another. About 1500 words today.

  6. Once again wrote an uncertain amount of minutes/hours spread throughout the day, which I'm finding works really well for me. Unfortunately it is only possible because I'm currently between jobs and therefore have no real schedule. Revised (or rather, basically re-wrote) the poem draft from yesterday. Contemplated blueberry poems for Dan. Journaled a page and a half or so. Word count: 287 for the poem, unknown for the journal.

  7. 1 hour. 1000 words. I didn't write any part of a story today. * I will do better tomorrow. I am sure my brain will be fresh from the rest.

  8. Had to wear my hat as "mom" today and attend a bunch of Girl Scout meetings for my daughter. Realized how many city dwellers give up on getting their kids outdoors due to bugs or the heat or something silly like that. Attended a mtg tonight where we had to introduce ourselves and share anything "interesting" or "spectacular" that happened so far in their lives....sadly, most could think of nothing to say. Will tuck this away into some future piece of writing, I'm sure.

  9. Busy weekend. No writing today. -Darla
