Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Post-Game Analysis: What did you do, what did you learn?

The month is now complete. Whether you stopped in a few times or a bunch of times or every single day, I'd love to hear how you did, overall, and especially what you learned about your own process by either writing more or logging your writing and thinking-about-writing life more.

Feel free to be honest--if taking part didn't make a difference for you, that's completely fine to say-- and use this space to chat with your peers.

Thanks for participating, stay in touch, and I wish you all a great fall!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Day 22: Shake out the sleepies. Share your favorite quote here!

In lieu of today's quote badge, I invite you to celebrate our shift into the last third of September by submitting a favorite quote here, sometime over the next three days. Thanks -- and don't give up!