Thursday, October 2, 2014

Day 25: Less than a week left


  1. Still on a break from active drafting, I'll be spending today reading about craft and planning out the rest of my writing fall, in my journal.

  2. I spent most of my time today reorganizing my top of the stairs writing corner. Found some interesting, barely legible, notes in the margin of my manuscript.Two were very useful to the work at hand, one intrigued me but had nothing to do with the story -- so into the idea file it went.


  3. Submitted my poems and worked on pitches.

  4. 3.5 hours. 3600 words. ** I wrote the first story I've ever written about faeries today. I was inspired by a glimpse of the magazine Carolyn edits. I also tried to start organizing my writing again. I made folders on my computer and named them. That is as far as I got-- the folders are empty, but they have names.

  5. Some minutes spent writing, but not many. A bit of half-assed revision and some lines in the journal. There would have been more if I hadn't been forced to spend all my time at work actually doing work things like watching inane OSHA training videos.

    1. Tell the truth, more time would have been available if you hadn't watched the Vikings get BTFO.

    2. I don't know what you're talking about.

  6. Page and a half handwritten? Journaled some. Had some chips and salsa with a hair (not mine) found in it. Watched the third installment of the Terminator series and the Angels lose in extra innings.
